As a former art major, museums are my favorite past time...
I make sure to visit all the museums when on vacation. The first activity on my travel plans usually involves checking out the local museums and art galleries. I've had a membership to the Chicago Art Institute every year and visit frequently. I knew that I had to convince someone to let me photograph them in this location. Luckily, Taylor and George were totally on board when I suggested it. I had so much fun wandering the building and photographing to my heart's content.

And of course I had to bring my trusty medium format film camera, Hassie the Hasselblad...
Back when I was a high school art teacher, I brought my students to the Art Institute every year for a field trip. Having been to this museum often, I already had the spots I wanted to photograph mapped out in my mind. I even planned which spots were medium format film worthy, here are the results...